Holistic Harmonic Flow Treatment

Holistic Harmonic Flow Therapy is a comprehensive approach that seamlessly integrates various healing modalities to address your entire being. At the core of our therapy is a unique combination of techniques that are tailored to resonate with your personal healing needs, ensuring a deeply transformative experience.

  • Balancing the Nervous System

    Promotes a state of equilibrium, alleviating stress and enhancing overall well-being.

  • Reducing Inflammation

    Targets inflammation with specific frequencies to reduce pain and aid in recovery.

  • Accelerated Cleansing and Repair

    Stimulates your body’s natural detox and repair, rejuvenating your system.

  • Enhanced Emotional Well-being

    Influences mood and emotions positively, fostering feelings of peace and contentment.

  • Strengthened Immune Response

    Boosts your immune system, enhancing resistance to illness.

  • Total Body Harmonization

    Ensures that your body’s systems are in sync, promoting efficient function and a profound sense of well-being.

Goals of the Treatment

Our intention is to nurture your body’s innate healing intelligence, aligning it with cosmic wisdom. This alignment facilitates a transformative healing journey, enabling profound shifts in your health and consciousness.

Key Elements of Our Treatment

  • Aromatherapy

    Engages your sense of smell, enhancing your emotional and physical well-being through the strategic use of essential oils.

  • Sound Healing Therapy

    Utilizes the healing powers of sound waves to restore balance and harmony within your body.

  • Positive Psychology

    Employs the principles of positivity to foster a healthier mindset and improve overall life satisfaction.

  • Neuroscience

    Integrates the latest scientific research to optimize your brain health and function.

  • Vibroacoustic Therapy

    Combines vibrations and sounds to deeply relax your body and mind, promoting healing from within.

Deep Healing with Aromatherapy

A cornerstone of our Holistic Harmonic Flow Treatment, aromatherapy enhances the therapeutic experience by directly engaging with the emotional center of your brain. We utilize high-vibrational essential oils like lavender and frankincense, known for their profound healing properties:


  • The Essence of Tranquility
  • Frequency: Approximately 118 MHz
  • Lavender oil is celebrated for its ability to alleviate stress, promote peaceful sleep, and enhance mental well-being. The high frequency of lavender is believed to elevate personal energy levels when feeling emotionally depleted.


  • The Aromatic Healer
  • Frequency: About 147 MHz
  • Frankincense is renowned for reducing chronic stress, boosting immunity, and promoting healthy cellular function. Its high frequency is thought to raise spiritual awareness and improve meditative states.

Sound Healing Therapy

Our Holistic Harmonic Flow Treatment uses music based on Solfeggio Frequencies, which are special tones known to enhance well-being and bring spiritual blessings. These frequencies have unique properties that help both your body and spirit, supporting deep healing and transformation. Alongside this, we incorporate music that aligns and balances the chakras, the crucial energy centers in your body, to further enhance your overall healing experience.

  • 174 Hz (Foundation of Conscious Evolution)

    Grounds you with a sense of safety and love, alleviating pain and promoting stability.

  • 285 Hz (The Quantum Cognition Frequency)

    Speeds up the recovery of body tissues, restoring your natural health blueprint.

  • 396 Hz (Liberating Guilt and Fear)

    Frees you from guilt and fear, clearing the path for personal and professional achievement.

  • 417 Hz (Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change)

    Clears past traumas and facilitates positive changes.

  • 528 Hz (The Miracle Tone)

    Known for its regenerative properties, especially on DNA, promoting wellness and miracles.

  • 639 Hz (Connection & Relationships)

    Perfect for dealing with relationship issues or creating deeper connections with others, whether familial, romantic, or social.

  • 741 Hz (Awakening Intuition)

    Cleanses toxins and enhances clear thinking.

  • 852 Hz (Returning to Spiritual Order)

    Awakens intuition and returns your vibration to spiritual order.

  • 963 Hz (The God Frequency)

    Connects you with the universe’s perfection and your true nature.

Balancing Chakra with Healing Music

Chakras are vital energy centers within the body that regulate all its processes, from organ function to emotional balance. Each chakra is located along the spine and is associated with specific frequencies that promote various aspects of your health.

  • Root Chakra (Muladhara):

    Frequency: 396 Hz

    Location: Base of the spine

    Benefits: Governs survival instincts, security, and basic needs.

    Balancing Tips: Engage in physical activities, use grounding meditations.

  • Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana):

    Frequency: 417 Hz

    Location: Below the belly button

    Benefits: Influences pleasure, creativity, and sexual energy.

    Balancing Tips: Embrace creative activities, practice yoga.

  • Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura):

    Frequency: 528 Hz

    Location: Stomach area

    Benefits: Governs self-esteem and confidence.

    Balancing Tips: Assume leadership roles, use affirmations of personal power.

  • Heart Chakra (Anahata):

    Frequency: 639 Hz

    Location: Center of the chest

    Benefits: Influences love, relationships, and self-acceptance.

    Balancing Tips: Practice self-love and forgiveness, engage in deep breathing exercises.

  • Throat Chakra (Vishuddha):

    Frequency: 741 Hz

    Location: Throat

    Benefits: Governs communication and self-expression.

    Balancing Tips: Engage in singing, encourage truthful communication.

  • Third Eye Chakra (Ajna):

    Frequency: 852 Hz

    Location: Forehead, between the eyes (also called the brow chakra)

    Benefits: Governs intuition and perception.

    Balancing Tips: Meditation, visualization exercises, and focusing on deep blue or indigo colors can help enhance intuition and mental clarity.

  • Crown Chakra (Sahasrara):

    Frequency: 963 Hz

    Location: Top of the head

    Benefits: Connects you with the divine and your higher self.

    Balancing Tips: Prayer, meditation, and engaging in activities that foster a sense of connection to the universe can help open and balance this chakra.

Positive Psychology & Neuroscience Aspect

Positive Prime

As part of your treatment, sessions begin and conclude with Positive Prime. This innovative digital platform uses rapid visual and auditory stimuli to enhance your mental and emotional well-being, preparing your mind and consolidating the benefits of the treatment.

Vibroacoustic Therapy

Ultimate Relaxation on Our Sonic Water-based Treatment Table

Experience profound relaxation on our custom-built sonic water-based treatment table. Equipped with heaters and special transducers, this table transforms audio frequencies into tangible vibrations that resonate throughout your body. This scientifically proven method relaxes and restores the nervous system, promotes muscle relaxation, and enhances blood circulation.

Preparing for Your Treatment

To ensure you have the best experience, here’s what you need to know before your treatment:

  • Arrival and Parking

    Arrive at least 15 minutes early. Drive slowly to protect local wildlife and park as directed.

  • What to Wear

    Dress in comfortable, loose clothing. A blanket will be provided for your comfort.

  • During the Treatment

    You'll wear wireless stereo headphones with fresh disposable covers for hygiene.

  • Health and Comfort

    Hydrate well beforehand, and avoid alcohol and caffeine for at least 4 hours prior to your session.

After Your Treatment

Post-treatment, take time to rest and nourish yourself. It’s natural to feel a need for additional rest. We recommend 24 to 48 hours of reduced activity to fully absorb the benefits. Enjoy our signature organic ginger-infused tea during a concluding Positive Prime session to enhance the healing effects.

Hydration and Diet Post-Treatment

To maximize the benefits of your treatment, avoid alcohol, caffeine, and sugary beverages. Hydrating well with quality water is crucial to help flush out toxins and sustain the healing effects.

Start Your Journey of Transformation

We look forward to welcoming you at The Nautilus Retreat. Every element of your visit is carefully designed to ensure a comprehensive healing experience. Get ready to relax, rejuvenate, and rediscover yourself.